Aunt Alexandra moved in with Scout and her family. She wasn’t always the kindest character. She constantly ordered Scout and Jem around, but remained a lady while she did so. Her presence definitely improved To Kill a Mockingbird. She greatly impacted Scout’s life by showing her the good points femininity and by acting as a parent and guardian of Scout.

Aunt Alexandra was a strong feminine influence to Scout. She had parties with the ladies from Maycomb where they discussed important topics. She also managed to keep her head and remain a lady when the news of Tom Robinson’s death was delivered. She contrived to continue acting polite and somewhat dainty, which is the way of a lady. Scout, at one point, thought, If she can do it, I can, too, which showed that her aunt’s advice had paid off and Scout desired to be lady-like.

Aunt Alexandra acted as a parental figure to Scout, who had lost her mother when she was just a baby. Aunt Alexandra gave Atticus advice several times, which indirectly gave advice to Scout through him. She also gave Scout contiguous advice, such chiding Scout when she threatened and later hit Francis and tried to help her see that she wasn’t allowed to do that to anyone. She , in a way, gave Scout what she never had: a mother.

Aunt Alexandra was also a good guardian to Scout, as well. Scout wasn’t even always aware of her aunt’s protection.  Alexandra didn’t want Scout to go out with Jem and Dill at night to protect her from the dangerous world. She was extremely concerned about her niece’s safety when Scout and Jem were attacked by Bob Ewell, just as their own mother would have been.

Aunt Alexandra was a key figure in Scout’s upbringing in several ways: by being her feminine role model, somewhat of a parent, and her defender. She always tried her best to make Scout less of a tomboy which was something frowned upon in those days. She disciplined Scout when she minsbehaved  Alexandra also did her best to shield her niece from the precarious world. Scout would’ve been a completely different person without Aunt Alexandra.

High Level Taxonomy: (Make)

My name is Mayella Ewell. I’m 19 years old and live in Maycomb County, Alabama, with my father and little brothers and sisters. I take care of them myself, since Father’s an alcoholic. I’m afraid of him when he’s drunk. He even gets abusive sometimes.

Low Level Taxonomy: (Comprehend)   I didn’t mean to do anything wrong. I just wanted to feel happy again, like back when I was a little kid, but that’s not what happened at all. I saw him every day, every single day. He didn’t seem to mind doing anything for me, and I didn’t mind having his company. I don’t know where things started going wrong, but they certainly did. I beckoned him inside. He was surprised, but that didn’t matter to me. None of it did, not until I saw my father looking through the window. I don’t remember what happened next, but suddenly Tom Robinson was gone and my father was beating me again.

After quite some time, there was a trial. My father and I were suing Tom Robinson for raping me, for which the punishment is death. I felt horrible, but I couldn’t stand the thought of seeing him day after day after day again, not after what I’d done. Besides, Father couldn’t be left with the blame for my injuries. If he went to jail, I’d be left all alone with my little siblings. No one in their right mind would believe the word of a black man over mine. Mr. Finch did, though. Not only that, but he was confident. He was making fun of me, calling me “Miss Mayella”, and making me answer stupid questions. He even drove me to tears, but I refused to let slip what I’d done. I stood by my father; I wouldn’t let them know he’d beaten me.

Mr. Finch knew exactly what had happened, though. He said:

   “What was the evidence of her offense? Tom Robinson, a human being. She must put Tom Robinson away from her. Tom Robinson was to her a daily reminder of what she did.

“Now what did she do? She tempted a Negro. She was white and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable: She kissed a black man. Not an old uncle, but a strong, young Negro man. No code mattered to her before she broke it, but it came crashing down on her afterwards.

“Her father saw it, and the defendant has testified as to his remarks. What did her father do? We don’t know, but there is circumstantial evidence to indicate that Mayella Ewell was beaten savagely by [her father]…”

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Mid Level Taxonomy: (Analyze)   Even after he’d said that, the jury still knew better. We won the trial. Tom Robinson died. I may have messed up, but in the end I did the right thing; I corrected my error. So now all I have to do is forget the whole thing ever happened.

Cat Planet!!!

September 12, 2011

Record: All 67 cats with only 18 deaths. CAT PLANET!!!!