Eumaead Quiz

October 31, 2011

“…It is the lost man I ache to think of- Odysseus. And I speak the name respectfully, even if he is not here. He loved me, cared for me. I call him dear my lord, far though he be.”

Eumaios is speaking of how he cared for Odysseus far more than the masters he’s had since Odysseus left, because Odysseus was far more friendly and supporting a master.

This is quite similar to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in that Snape became the headmaster, replacing Dumbledore. However, nearly every student preferred Dumbledore to Snape.

Odysseus and Harry are both at the return part of their journeys, in the transformations subsection, so they still have more to do. Odysseus has returned to Ithaka and has yet to defeat the suitors. Harry has returned to Hogwarts but has yet to defeat Voldemort.

“Be soft in what you say. Answer: ‘I thought I’d move them out of the smoke. They seemed no longer those bright arms Odysseus left us years ago when he went off to Troy. Here where the fire’s hot breath came, they had grown black and drear. One better reason, too, I had from Zeus: suppose a brawl starts up when you are drunk, you might be crazed and bloody one another, and that would stain your feast, you courtship. Tempered iron can magnetize a man.’ Say that.”

Odysseus is advising Telemachus about what he should tell the suitors of his return. He has to be careful since the suitors want to kill him.

This was like when Aberforth was advising Harry, Ron, and Hermione before they returned to Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows because they were being helped to return to where their journey began.

Both Harry and Telemachus were in the return stages of their journeys this time, in the summons to return section. They both are preparing to begin the final stretch of their quests where they will face a great and difficult battle, though they have plans and older, wiser people helping them.

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