John’s Blog:


“In this photo Mr. Incredible is being imprisoned by the antagonist, Syndrome. In The Count of Monte Cristo Dantes is imrpisoned by the antagonist, Villefort. Both characters are in imprisoned for doing what they thought was right.”

Drew’s Blog:

“Source: Book

‘We are always in a hurry to be happy…; for when we have suffered a long time, we have great difficulty in believing in good fortune.’

Person speaking: Faria

This quote connects to John’s allusion because it shows how they were imprisoned by the antagonist, and being unhappy in prison.”

Reign of 100 Words: (From my blog)

Although there are clearly differences between the book and movie versions of The Count of Monte Cristo, for the most part, the movie has stayed true to the book.

However, despite having read the story and now seeing the movie, my opinions in my Reign of 100 Words post still display my beliefs. Revenge isn’t a good idea. Despite what’s happened to you, it’s best to let your feelings of wrath dissolve.

I used Andrea‘s post.

“Jack Sparrow gets arrested in Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the Black Pearl while he was trying to help someone, like Edmond Dantes gets arrested while he was trying to help someone. Jack was saving Elizabeth’s life, and Dantes was just trying to be nice and deliver a letter for someone. They also both escape from prison later.” -Andrea

In the following quote (from the book), Edmond is quoting Captain Leclere. This applies because it shows the reasons he wanted to deliver the letter, and also why it could lead to his imprisonment since Napoleon was trapped on the Isle of Elba.

” ‘After my death,’ he said, ‘you’ll take command of the ship, since you’re first mate. Head for the Isle of Elba, go ashore at Porto Ferraio, ask for the marshal and give him this letter. You may be given another letter or entrusted with a mission. That mission was to have been for me, but you’ll carry it out in my place and the honor will be yours.’ “


Villefort, when he saw who the letter Dantès was addressed to, managed to carefully manipulate the situation and ensure the word that his father was a traitor was kept secret. He ensured the matter was never looked into and burned the letter, which was the only proof. This is similar to what ‘Professor Moody’ does in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He gains people’s trust and uses it to send Harry to the graveyard to fight Voldemort at the end.

The apple with the red liquid represent manipulation by showing that with the liquid in it, the apple isn’t what it originally seemed to be. It has been manipulated.


Both Katniss from the Hunger Games and Dantès were wrongfully imprisoned. Dantés was imprisoned because his enemies took him down and got him arrested, whereas Katniss was a random target. She’s imprisoned in the arena to kill her fellow tributes. Both go through pain because of it.

The caged bird clearly represents imprisonment by confining something meant to be free.

Sloth #2

April 5, 2012

Pledge: Taco knew what he had to do. He needed to get to North Caroline so he could start his Taco chain, Taco’s Tacos. Originally he was going to drive but he didn’t want to load up all his luggage and have to drive. He chose a train to hitchhike on.

Turn: Taco’s business trip brought him up a train in North Caroline. He met Hobo Larry in the back car. “You’re lazy as lasagna,” Taco said. “I’m not, Papa. I’ve got a Ferrari.” Larry passed out from a heroin overdose in a dumpster. Taco knew sloth wasn’t the way to go.

Prestige: Taco’s son, Giuseppe, revived Hobo Larry. Hobo Larry went into business with Taco. Taco’s Tacos became a world wide business. Taco was able to return to his family, Marguerite and Giuseppe, in his home in Italy when Taco’s Tacos opened there, too. Giuseppe stole the family fortune, and Larry continued to be lazy.

Note: North Caroline is not to be confused with North Carolina. North Caroline is a country, and is very different, despite its similar name.